About Independent Writers of Southern California


When you have questions and things seem unclear, it can be nice to call out and have someone answer back with what you need.

We all have in common a love of writing and a desire to further our career and learn the latest as the world rapidly changes. Given the Covid situation we have moved our meetings online. 

Here’s what we offer writers and aspiring writers:

Panels & Seminars for writers and publishers

Writers have questions about:

  • Agents
  • Social networking
  • Blogs
  • Marketing
  • Editing
  • Design
  • Fiction writing
  • Nonfiction writing
  • Magazines
  • Publishing
  • How do I promote my work?

… to name a few!

“Quick note to say thank you for stoking the promotional flames for us authors by keeping the tweets rolling out. I really appreciate the coverage.” – Craig Leener, author of This Was Never About Basketball and All Roads Lead to Lawrence.

Ten months of the year, as long as nothing comes up to prevent us,  IWOSC presents a writing-related seminar and a writing-related panel discussion. We vary the topics and speakers, finding answers for all these questions. We have parties in August and December to round out the twelve months.

Our lively panels cover a variety of writing genres, from ghostwriting to mysteries, magazine articles, comedy, screenwriting, and more. Some panels focus on topics like social media or marketing, subjects of vital interest to all writers.

As a rule, our panels are on the 4th Monday of each month although this may change once in a while. Members attend these panels for free.

Our seminars are tailored for smaller audiences so there’s more workshopping of the fine points of writing: creating characters and dialogue, doing research, etc. Seminars tackle marketing and technical issues as well, like using Twitter or teaching writers how to speak and read before a live audience.  These seminars or workshops feature comprehensive, often interactive, presentations.

As a rule, IWOSC seminars for writers are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month, although this may change at times.

At times we substitute our on-location Seminar or Panel for an online event. Since 2016 we have also held a special-priced all-day Intensive rather than our  usual seminar. Members receive a substantial discount for the seminars.

IWOSC members attend for free!
Non-members pay $15

IWOSC members attend for just $15
Non-members pay $35

Satellite Sessions

IWOSC Satellites meet in restaurants, bookstores, and other venues. You don’t have to be a member to drop by and mix with other writers in your area!

Satellite meetings bring writers together to ask questions, share work, and vent. Some groups invite guest speakers. Our Satellites are informal and social. They give writers the chance to network and find support. Ideas can be sparked and partnerships formed. Writing can be a lonely art, so meeting others in the field is invaluable.

Social Events/Parties

Twice a year — in August and in December— we have a party open to members and guests. We often hold the parties at unusual or historic venues.


Twice a year we host IWOSC Reads Its Own — an opportunity for members to read their own work. These events are open to the public and are advertised by the bookseller as well as publicized by us. You must be a member to read but attendance is free for anyone who wants to enjoy the impressive creativity.

The Reads Its Own is also a wonderful way to support your fellow writers.

Member-only Special Events

From time to time we hold members-only get-togethers. For example, we had a special evening with one of our long-time members who was moving out of state. We handed Marvin Wolf the microphone and listened as he told his wonderful stories: the bicycle tale from his childhood (that earned him $4000 when he sold it to Readers Digest);  the years in Viet Nam as a US Army photographer, which led to the first of his 20-plus books; some behind-the-scenes dirt on  the celebrities he’s written about. We laughed, we cried, we ate cake.

The Green Room
The Green Room is a free, once-a-month members-only Brainstorming session in which you can discuss issues that pertain to writing–perhaps about marketing your latest book, a question about your writing, a gesture toward collaboration with another writer or publisher, or share a great book that you are reading or another event that people might enjoy, or whatever.  We will concentrate mostly on anything having to do with writing. Whether in person or online, attendance is limited in order for all participants to have their writing issues addressed. To protect member’s ideas, these meetings are not recorded. Green Room meetings are not typically announced on the website. Instead, we notify members via email.

Volunteering your skills with IWOSC

Volunteers are IWOSC’s lifeblood. They suggest panels and use their connections to get great speakers. Volunteers check guests in at events. As Satellite leaders, volunteers send emails and keep the Satellites running each month. Those savvy with social media keep our Facebook page and Twitter feeds hopping. They even get to plan parties!

No matter what your skill set, IWOSC has a place for you to put those skills to work. We welcome your participation.

Online camaraderie, sharing, and advice

Email discussion group

We’d had a discussion group at Yahoo, but as those boards have been closed by Yahoo, we’re experimenting.

Facebook page

Our Facebook page offers you another way to get the word out about what you’re doing. Anyone may post there, although you must ask to be approved as a member first. (IWOSC membership is not required.)

IWOSC Panel Recordings

Our recorded programs can give you helpful ideas, tips, and strategies.
We have captured some of the region’s best and brightest editors, writers, publishers, and agents during their appearances at our monthly meetings, seminars, and special events. May the bright ideas and savvy suggestions they offer light your way!

To order, visit our IWOSC Recordings page.

Want to become a member?

If you’d like to become a member of IWOSC, please visit this Membership application page to join online or by mail.