Past Events 2009

Mastering Radio/TV interviews and Book Readings

Saturday, October 10, 2009

When you are interviewed on radio and TV, you need to be at the top of your game, appear to be unrehearsed, concise, upbeat, easily understood through clear sound bites and short explanations, and you must do your homework and know your book. We’re at the top of our game by presenting the EMMY AWARD WINNING Barry Kibrick, who will show you the ropes.

In this part of our seminar, we will discuss, as time allows…

Writers conjure words and make magic in the form of poems and stories. But what happens when you speak them?

Presented by:

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Editors – Don’t Let The Books You Write Leave Home without One!

Monday, November 23, 2009

In this tight economy, it’s harder and harder to compete for a publisher’s attention. And once you’ve got a book deal, harder and harder to get good editorial help from the publishing house. Having a well-edited book prior to submission will greatly increase your chances to stand out from the crowd — for sale, and possible award winning status. Our panel of expert editors will share tips on:

Common mistakes writers make and how to correct them…

Moderator: Ina Hillebrandt
Lisa Marguerite Mora
Monica Faulkner, PhD,
Robin Quinn
Roberta Edgar
Flo Selfman
Ron Kenner

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DON’T GET SCAMMED!” — A Writer’s Survival Guide and Free Legal Clinic

Saturday, November 21, 2009

“Don’t trust anyone,” goes the longtime maxim of Hollywood and New York publishing. Yet today, writers have to trust their material and ideas to dozens of people — agents, acquisitions editors, and development professionals. And over the past decade, scam literary agents and agencies and disreputable “editing services” have cost writers tens of thousands of dollars. “Idea theft” lawsuits have become more common than ever, in today’s online, new-media age. And how can writers who choose to go the self-publishing route best protect their books — and their pocketbooks? How can a writer tell “the wheat from the chaff?” How can we be sure that we won’t get ripped off?


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Ghost Stories, Ghostwriters Emerge To Discuss Their Craft

Monday, October 26, 2009

Have you ever considered ghostwriting? For our October program, professional “ghosts” will come out from the shadows to discuss why they sometimes trade visibility as a writer for the projects they receive. In addition, a co-author with a new book will share why she choose that path. We’ll cover tips as well as a look at the pitfalls you’ll want to avoid. How does a writer collaborate with the client to gather the best material? How do you capture their voice? Can your ego handle the discreet role of the ghostwriter? The panel will also explore how a ghost or collaborator can help support a client in the publishing process.

Moderator: Robin Quinn
Ellen Violette
Idelle Davidson
Claudia Suzanne
Michael Levin

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Magazine Editors Summit

Monday, Sept 21, 2009

In this annual IWOSC panel discussion, top magazine editors reveal the inside track on getting your work published. Find out how to get the attention of an editor with a winning story pitch or query. Learn about the most recent trends in the magazine publishing world and where to direct your focus to generate assignments.

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A Writer’s Platform: The Jumping-off Place for Success

Monday, August 24, 2009

IWOSC panelists will discuss creative techniques to help you sell books, be paid to speak and be an expert the media calls upon. This applies to any subject, whether it’s spoon collecting, motivational speaking, or counseling. There is an audience for you; learn how to build the platform to reach it.

Moderator: JOHN SEELEY

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Annual Summer Party!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Rub elbows with some of Southern California’s most interesting writers while you dine and drink lavishly in a unique historic setting.

This year’s party is at the historic Zane Grey Estate on “Millionaire’s Row” in Altadena.

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Biographies & Memoirs: Every Life Tells a Story!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Every life tells a story!

Whether you’re thinking of putting the story of your own life down on paper, or writing a profile of a historical or celebrity figure you’ve long admired — or just one of the millions of readers who devour books on history or Hollywood — this panel is for you.

Our moderated panel discussion will feature both those who have found the courage to tell their own life stories — warts and all — plus top industry “names” who have written about celebrity and political figures….

Moderator: Telly Davidson

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Your Brand in a Bite or a Byte – Your Elevator Speech

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Call it an elevator pitch or a sound bite, that first sentence or two that you speak is what makes or breaks a connection. Join consultant and IWOSC member Lilli Cloud in this seminar to spiff up your personal PR.

Presented by: Lilli Cloud

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Getting the Buzz On: Marketing Your Book

Monday, June 29, 2009

What’s the best way to get a buzz on about your work of art?

Using some of the latest marketing vehicles like social networking sites can help. So can being savvy, creative, and energetic. But you need to know how, you need to know where, you need to know what’s new, and you need to know how to do it inexpensively and time-efficiently.

Learn from our experienced panel and resolve to put some buzz into your marketing mix!


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Self-Publishing: Making Your Mark

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Self-publishing is finally getting some respect, especially in this age of hard times for mainstream publishers. There are many good reasons to consider self-publishing, whether as a traditional book, an electronic book, an audio book, a print-on-demand book, a large-print book, or all of the above. Self-publishing cuts much of the wait time, places you in charge of a greater percentage of profits, allows “free” books if you speak for a group, and gives you greater flexibility for other sales generated by the book.

Presented by: REG GREEN and CLIFF CARLE

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IWOSC Reads Its Own – June 2009

IWOSC Reads Its Own
Sunday, June 7, 2009

A baker’s dozen of IWOSC’s talented member writers will read their work aloud. We’ll be regaled with their wit, have our emotions stirred, or be plunged into deep thought. First-time and return readers will share their work. Selections may be published, unpublished, or works in progress, no longer than five to seven minutes

Come hear:
Ron Vazzano — yes, our program coordinator will also be reading)
Susan Carrier
Gary Young
Alice Romano
Gerald Jones
Jennifer Sky Band
Stephen Wolcott
Adolphus Ward
Telly Davidson
Flo Selfman
Dana Ellingwood
Dianne de la Vega
Lisa-Catherine Cohen
Linda Lichtman

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CRAFTING HUMOR — Spinning Funny into Money!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Today’s news and newsflashes sound like Chicken Little — dire and depressing. IWOSC believes laughter will alleviate stress and bring what’s happening into perspective. The sky’s not falling.

After all, Mark Twain, Will Rogers, Dave Barry, Erma Bombeck, Chuck Lorre and others take what is considered imminent Chicken Little danger and spin the circumstances into funny story-telling with more than a twist of truth. Why do we find their humor timeless today? How may today’s writers yearning for infinite celebrity write funny material that editors, producers and publishers want to buy? What is the potential of humor writing on New Media platforms? Where will we find the myriad avenues to lucrative humorous writing?

Humorous writing is not just one-line jokes or comedy lines. It is also satire, parody, farce, TV sit-com situations and comedic movies. Robert McKee states that if the audience laughs, it works. If the audience doesn’t laugh, it doesn’t work. End of story.


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Writing Humor — All the way to the Bank!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Laughter is the best medicine, they say. Many IWOSCans say laughter is also lucrative. Humorous writing is not one-line jokes — it is setting up the humorous premise and giving your audience/reader the humorous payoff.

Mark Miller will show you how to craft humor for general and specific audiences. He will highlight humor’s various forms and how to craft humorous writing. He will walk us through what works, what doesn’t, and why. He will discuss the markets, resources and New Media possibilities for humorous writing.

Presented by: Mark Miller

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Agents Panel: What Writers Must Know About Finding and Working with Representation

Monday, April 27, 2009

As every savvy writer eventually learns, getting the words down on the page is just half the battle. To get the right exposure and desirable compensation for these efforts, writers need to develop marketing intelligence. It can also help tremendously to work with someone who has been down this road many times before – the literary agent. The April program will present a stellar panel of agents and a literary attorney. Panelists will cover how to select the right agent, how to get their attention, common missteps and the role of an agent in the writer’s life. In addition, learn about new trends, how to protect yourself in the current marketplace, as well as when to work with a literary attorney.

Moderator: Robin Quinn

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2009-04-18_Red-hot-publicity_IWOSC-Seminar-Penny- SANSEVIERI-speaking

Red Hot Internet Publicity 2.0

Saturday, April 18, 2009

If you think you have your Internet marketing covered with just a web site, you might be missing out on a bucket of Internet gold. Attend the IWOSC seminar “Red Hot Internet Publicity 2.0” to understand social media and monetizing sites like Facebook, Squidoo, and Twitter. Learn what to never do on a web site, why a blog is a must-have part of any Internet campaign, and how to make the most of the hottest online trends!

Here’s what you’ll come away with…


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Writing Short Stories: Crafting and Publishing

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Newsletters: The Good, the Bad, and the Creative

Want to produce a newsworthy newsletter?

Whether you want to create your own newsletter to promote your business, or write newsletters for clients and employers, learn how to assemble a newsletter that readers look forward to reading. Seminar leaders Debra Eckerling and Tammy Takahashi will address layout, clarity, graphics, misspellings, typos, syntax issues, and the software to make your job easier and product better. Also learn ways to contact companies that provide newsletters and help make their product more profitable.


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Short stories

Monday, February 23, 2009

February is the shortest month of the year, so IWOSC is dedicating it to short stories!

Name your favorite short story.

Is it “The Gift of the Magi,” in which the wife cuts and sells her long hair to buy her husband a watch fob, while, unbeknownst to her, he sells the watch to buy her a beautiful comb for her hair? How did O. Henry create a short story of such lasting beauty? How did Edgar Allen Poe, Washington Irving, Saki, Kipling, Mark Twain, Bret Harte and many others create stories that we still read today?

Moderator: is managing editor, Ex Machina Press, an award-winning
Bernadette Murphy
Mark D’anna
Christopher Meeks
Dr. Steve Heller

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What Editors Look for in Short Story Writing

Saturday, February 21, 2009

February is the shortest month of the year, so IWOSC is dedicating it to short stories!

Name your favorite short story.
Is it “The Gift of the Magi,” in which the wife cuts and sells her long hair to buy her husband a watch fob, while, unbeknownst to her, he sells the watch to buy her a beautiful comb for her hair? How did O. Henry create a short story of such lasting beauty? How did Edgar Allen Poe, Washington Irving, Saki, Kipling, Mark Twain, Bret Harte and many others create stories that we still read today?
More to the point, how can today’s aspiring O. Henrys write stories that editors will want to buy? And where do we find these editors, magazines, and anthologies?

Presented by:

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The End of the Music World As We Know It (and what to do about it!)

Monday, January 26, 2009

The death of the music industry has been widely reported, but what’s the truth for writers? With the cutbacks at newspapers and other paper-based publications, both music writers and promoters have had to look for new venues for their work—on the internet and elsewhere.

Moderator: JAMES E. FOWLER, aka Sleepy James

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Interviewing 101, with KPCC’s Kitty Felde

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Does the thought of a microphone in your face turn your knees to jelly? Hate interviewing someone else to research your play or other project? How do you prepare? How do you handle handlers? How do you get close-mouthed people to open up? What is off the record? Never fear. “Interviewing 101” is on tap.

Whether you’ve interviewed dozens of people or working up to your first one, whether you interview people for print or electronic media, this experienced interviewer’s experience will benefit you. Join KPCC’s Special Correspondent and noted playwright Kitty Felde to learn the secrets of a successful interview.

Presented by: Kitty Felde

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